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(root canal therapy)


ENDODONTICS (ROOT CANAL THERAPY)​ is also referred to as endodontic treatment is needed when the pulp inside the tooth becomes infected through decay that is so deep that it causes damage to the nerve.

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Why You Might Need a Root Canal Treatment

A root canal is often perceived with apprehension, but it’s a crucial procedure to save and restore a damaged tooth. There are various circumstances that may necessitate this treatment. Let’s delve into the reasons you might need a root canal and dispel some of the myths surrounding it.

  • An infection in your tooth which has reached the nerves.
  • You have extensive decay or a deep cavity that can’t be filled because the decay has impacted the pulp and nerves of the tooth.
  • Your tooth is badly cracked.
  • Your tooth is broken.
  • You have needed repeated fillings of the affected tooth.


Using specific techniques and advanced equipment in ENDODONTICS (ROOT CANAL THERAPY), you will receive local anaesthetic. At Smileology treatment itself should feel no different to having an ordinary filling placed. Root canal treatment is a skilled and time-consuming procedure and most courses of treatment will involve two or more visits.

The aim of the treatment is to stop the infection from spreading and to preserve as much of your tooth as possible. During the procedure , the nerve is removed and the infection in the root canal is cleaned and disinfected. A temporary filling will be placed and the tooth will be left to settle.

At the second visit the tooth is permanently filled if there is no sign of infection and a crown may be recommended long-term.